Monday, February 17, 2014

Subhanallah, these moments when you realise how much of an idiot you were previously -- are so horrifying. But Alhamdulillah that they come along, right.

Also... eesh. How do I better myself; this is SO HARD.

): and what if there's something fundamentally wrong with your personality -- can there be such a thing? And you have to revamp or something. Oh my God, I need to stop thinking so I don't get a headache.

On other things, went for an overdue lunch outing with my Arabic-class-friends and we stopped by Wardah bookstore, and I was like, "Wardah bookstore, you got read my blog ah???" Haha, cause this shop always appears to be out for my heart -- I literally gasped out embarrassingly loudly when I saw Martin Lings' Muhammad, from the earliest sources on the main display area. And hello, didn't I rave about this book just months ago, and here it is! And it's not like this book is new; it's ancient (almost). So, hahaha. Just -- this store always has my favourite things (well not HP or Lymond, but other than that, eheh) and appears to read my mind! Not to mention, I swear, it has every book that was ever mentioned by Shaykh Hamza on its shelves.

I could literally sit in that shop for hours and stare at the book spines lovingly, if I didn't feel so much like an idiot for doing that.

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