Monday, November 25, 2013

After seeing a gazillion tumblr posts on it, I finally decided to watch A Very Potter Musical -- and it's such a riot! If you hadn't heard, it's a staged fan-made parody of Harry Potter that was first produced back in 2009 and then later spawned two more sequels that finished last year.

It's a parody, so of course, the plot and characters are made whacky -- for instance, Draco Malfoy rolls and slithers all over the ground every time he tries to make an entrance (I'm wondering if it's an attempt to be cool or like Cleopatra or something???). It's ridiculously funny! Voldemort has relationship issues and loves to dance. Harry compares his life to Spiderman's and explains to Ginny why they can't be together. Snape explains to the class that a portkey can be any sort of seemingly harmless object, like a football or a dolphin.

Haha, the insane lines, and the fandom fodder.


eunice said...

Not to mention Pigfarts -- Hogwarts' sister school in outer space. HAHA.

sham b said...

Draco: I want Hermione Granger, and a rocket ship.

Hehehe. So nutty!