Monday, July 29, 2013

The clouds of goodness contain rain;
When the time comes, it will pour.

- Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Happiness is contained in the moments when you contemplate your life and realise the surfeit of blessings.

Alhamdulillah for a lot of things; but tonight I especially want to say Alhamdulillah for the good men I know. My daddy, most of all. I've always said and thought that good women make good children and thence good human beings. But I often overlook and forget that good men make good homes and good families -- within which women can thrive.

I was praying terawih tonight and while following behind the men, I got struck by this thought (whoops, lack of khusyuk?) -- and felt so grateful. I complain there aren't enough good men (just cause I haven't snagged one, hoho), but they are there. Alhamdulillah for them. Alhamdullillah for the strong families because of them (because God knows I've seen horrifying cases on the other end of the spectrum). God, please make more rijal, so that women like me can keep dreaming of beautiful future families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES ALHAMDULILLAH. I love my daddy. Your daddy my daddy too. <3