It's God, my friends. For me, it's There is no God but Allah, and Sayidina Muhammad is His Beloved Messenger. It's as simple as that. And I'm afraid that when I say it, some of you will think, oh that answer, I've heard it before. But it's true, and I wish you could see it, so you'll be deep-down-happy too. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm rainbows and ponies most days; I still have my terrible moments -- tears come quite easy to me. But there's an anchor now lodged in my heart, that's like a spring of happiness and a compass for guidance, and as long as I water it with remembrance of God, there's light in my life, come what may.
*Atiqah Bafadhal likes this post*
Wishing for a Like button for everything now ah. :) anyway, thankies.
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