Saturday, March 23, 2013

friday = love

I'm seriously in love with Friday. At this point, nothing makes me happier, haha. (:

I've had such a wonderful Friday today -- only two patients the entire day (complex but interesting, and I probably bombed my evaluation on both, but what the heck, M was still so nice to me after). Also, my afternoon was spent writing up patient notes at a relaxing pace, because my clinic slots are still empty. Then I met up with my SLP classmates -- who are really some of the best people I have ever known -- and our dinner made my entire day, and my entire week.

If this is my support system in this field, I can survive this, and I can succeed in this profession, God-willing. I am so grateful for this bunch of people -- my heart feels full.

A real connection is almost palpable; and therefore touches you.


I wish I had more adorable girls in therapy -- but if they're able to do stuff like this, then duh, they probably don't need my services.

This is the famous Japanese-American girl, Nina, whose early childhood days were documented on youtube and remains one of the cutest things ever on the web. 
(My mum says she looks like I did when I was teeny, but I was cuter, heee. :P)

This one, when Nina can't say "k" -- dad could have tried pressing down on her tongue with a tongue depressor or a lollipop! That would have helped. But anyways -- totally okay if she's not saying "k" when she's this teeeeny!


And this is the vlog episode with Lizzie Bennett and Mr Darcy finally getting together (somewhat non-halal, sorreh) -- god, I adore these two! I don't think I've ever hated any version of the Lizzie/Darcy pairing. I practically had to slap my mouth to stop from fan-squealing while on the train.
This has been an excellent internet production; probably best ever.


Anonymous said...

GO AWAYYYY YOU'RE NOT CUTER THAN NINA!!!! You can take prettier, I don't care. But Nina is the epitome of cute.


Anonymous said...

I bet I was saying awesome stuff too at that age! hahh. :P

Duck said...

I couldn't say 'k' when I was little too!