Thursday, October 25, 2012

I had a funny but horrific dream last night, in which I found scary big blobby rashes all over the palms of my hands, and I confirmed my fear that I had Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease. @.@ Then I woke up, and frantically checked my palms.

Hahhha, of course, I am actually fine. It's only my subconscious playing up because we're taking turns falling sick ever since we started placement at the kindergarten and my imagination went a bit wonky. I have had terrible sore throats and irritating colds, and the kids are falling sick one after another. And we have therapy sessions where we sit close and face-to-face with kiddies who try to splutter out 's' sounds... and you just imagine the germs lah, okay.

Anyways, 2 more weeks!


Was feeling weepy and pensive tonight, and then out of the blue, we get uplifting messages 
-- don't tell me it's coincidence, because I don't believe it is. 


I believe real bridges don't get burnt.

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