Sunday, May 01, 2011

Had a nice birthday weekend, starting Friday. (:

And today, met up with the birds and the first thought that crossed my mind when I finally caught sight of them: "Oh my god, we're so old." It's like, in my little brain, us is the us as always, and I'd expected to see tinier and less well-groomed girls being silly around the table; but then, the sight of three adult women kind of made me zone out for a bit. For real, haha. What with Shen Onn's nice jacket-y top that made her seem she'd just stepped out of her office; high-heels, highlighted hair, the air of we're-making-our-own-money-and-can-splurge (although Eunice would disagree with this!) and then talks of politics and more work stuffs.

Then again, it was only moments before the childishness began. -.- Maybe this is what they say by young/immature at heart.

Anyway, my presents!

The bookends I've been needing! My table needs a clean-up too, before the bookends can be used proper. And these books are the ones I always feel like flipping through now and then. Or whose quotes I've yet to store someplace.

The card. With silly stickers which are apparently becoming tradition.

Also, an owl flask! And the cat folders in the background.


Embarking on another year of life: I want to build confidence, and as clear a conscience as I can. And to follow both my brain and my heart, Amin.

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