Wednesday, June 30, 2010

SAD. :(


* Japan just lost to Paraguay. The last Asian team standing, gone. Poor Komano; he was sobbing the worst, understandably, seeing as how he was the one who missed the penalty.

* I lost my relief teaching job because Irsyad apparently found a permanent teacher already. I am half-wondering if they just took another teacher because I wasn't up to standard or stg. (must dispel such discouraging negative thoughts!) This also means that I don't have any income still and therefore have to keep postponing friend meet-ups for fear of bankruptcy.

* Went to the graduate office to submit transcript, saw other applicants and felt discouraged at the seemingly tough competition for the MSc SLP course.

* ... :( what do I do.

I am remembering an episode of Legend of the Seeker (which has sadly been canceled) called Torn, in which Kahlan got split into two: one half had all her heart and the other half had all her head. Meaning that the former was all emotional and all "Richard, let's just forget the quest and be together and have babies!" (I swear, it was hysterically funny. XD) and the latter was completely logical; Kahlan became absolutely ruthless and was all "Richard, you know we can't be together so I shall marry this random person instead." It really made a very, very entertaining episode, but it was also surprisingly thought-provoking to me. Because isn't it hard, this balance? I think I've lost track the number of times I wish I could be all head. But that would mean not being human, I guess, because what makes the human if not the heart?

Haiyah, I will wake up tomorrow, get out of this vicious cycle of sadness and be genki!

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