Thursday, January 17, 2008

I watched Planet Earth tonight and it was so gorgeous. I don't see how one can watch these things and not entertain the notion of becoming a zoologist or a photographer for national geographic or something.

My math professor is weird extraordinaire. He is the most absent-minded, dazed, in-his-own-world professor I've encountered so far. Lawton was strange and absent-minded, but this guy is weirder! But still adorable in a grandfather sort of way. He rambles indefinitely, to the incontrollable laughter of some of us. I have a theory that mathematicians are more prone to losing their screws in old age. Not like real psychatric mad; but just mad as in weird. It must be all those numbers they immerse themselves in their entire lives. You've got to temper them with words and a nice dose of television, or else you might go bonkers.

I'm experiencing a healthy bout of optimism this week. It must be the effects of a new semester. All brand new hopes, rainbows over every module, nice blank white paper for scribbling, and calenders with empty slots begging to be filled. Dear God, let this feeling last.

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