Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I am happy because I finally managed to put together my ISM proposal for the professor. What a relief. Now I'll wait and see if he agrees.

Anyway, beware because I am about to go into a tv rant in a moment. I've figured I'm an obsession junkie of sorts. At any point in time, ever since forever, I have been obsessed over one thing or another. It's like I live on my obsessions. HP, of course, as an example, was the major obsession of my teen years. And then there was Lymond, another major obsession. And then I have minor obsesssions in between. You get the picture. Right now, it's Supernatural. And my, do the fan discussions drive me mad. They do.

I JUST. Feel like strangling some of them. They keep bashing the girls on the show and by extension they are bashing their own favourite show, and don't they know they're endangering the lifespan of the show by doing so? Grr. I mean, I've been watching Season 3 right, and my first response was all, "Ohmygod, I love it even more now! They totally upped the special effects!" (Seriously, episode 2 freaked me to no end.) Then, I came online to read fan forums and ohmegad, the bashing. People were just simply COMPLAINING LEFT AND RIGHT. Bela sucks. Katie Cassidy sucks. Not funny enough. And you have those irritating ones who dismissively declare how they couldn't care less if the show got cancelled anymore since Kripke messed with the perfect brother formula of season one, and the snappy dialogue was gone, and they just want them to ditch the girls.

OMG, SHADDAP I SAY. If you couldn't care less, why are you even bothering to be at the fan forums??? It's like no one is bothering to say anything good, despite the fact that it's a freaking fanforum!

They already managed to write off Jo (although I pray she comes back one day). But if these dumb fans become the reason for the non-materialisation of season 4, I will scream bloody murder.

My brother complained how all I ever blog about is school. Or tv, evinced by this entry. school. tv. more school. tv. occasional family event. book review. tv. exam. tv. No long posts about big gathering of friends, or outings, or picnics, or parties. If it makes me a geek, so be it. I've realised I like myself better this way anyway.

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