Sunday, July 01, 2007

To continue just a little about how my daddy can, perhaps unwillingly, I concede, get on my nerves:

(and for all I know, he may read this, so I shall be polite and nice. heh heh.)

He told me to burn some vcds for him. And I said okay. Then the night after, while I was watching videos on the net, he asked, "Have you burnt those cds?" I said, "Not yet." Then he went on a tirade about how I can watch Hindi films and stupid Japanese cartoons but I can't ever do one thing for him. By this time, I was !$%^*&^*&^#!%$*. (Don't insult my tv shows, okay.) I was like, "If you want me to do something, then I'll do it, at my own time!" And ANYWAY, I was watching neither of those things! I was watching deedat, which he would very much approve.

Then, the next day, he asked again, "Have you burnt those cds?" And again I said, "Not yet." Because, really really really, there was no time. Then he went, "But I need it for liqa' tonight!" Then I got really pissed cause he didn't tell me so. "You didn't tell me you needed it by tonight!"

"Yes, I did!"

"No, you didn't!"


But I managed to burn it by liqa'. So, one ridiculous episode over with.

Then today. I was checking my hotmail inbox. And it turned out that my dad had sent me a one-sentence email: "Burn vcd by liqa'."


EMAIL?! My dad emailed me? Do we not live in the same house? How am I to know to check my mail for instructions from my dad. Exasperating, no?

This has turned out to be quite amusing.

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