Sunday, June 17, 2007

I have been evil and lazy. Ever since coming back from my overseas trips, I've been putting everything off - laundry, emails, videoediting and especially! Asking about pentasbudaya. And then today I met Suliyati at royal plaza's surau, and she was like, "Didn't you know pentas budaya got postponed to 8th August?" And I went like, "WHA!!!" @_@" What has happened!!! And I feel so uber guilty because I disappeared. :s And am very scared now. (I have an incredible number of phobias, just so you know.)

I feel like a great big wreck sometimes. Like beyond-all-help kind of wreck. GAH. STUCK AGAIN. Damn it all. When will it ever stop!

I was thinking about something funny earlier today. How, when I was much smaller, I used to always think, "Oh, such-and-such couldn't possibly ever happen to me!" And then something did happen. And from then on, it has been "Why oh why do such things keep happening to me!" I think it's been leaving me entirely screwed up. I don't know whether truly unwanted and unwonted things have started to happen more to me or whether I've just become enormously less grateful. Probably the latter lah right.

okay. done with emotional regurgitation exercise.

Here's a conversation between a fanfic author and her characters. I thought it was amusing.

Li: You’re turning what was an entertaining story into a boring lecture.

Peacewish: Back off Li, or you won’t come off looking nearly so studly in my next AU fic.

Li: You wouldn’t.

Peacewish: You think so?

Julian: Can I be alive in this one?

Peacewish: Sure, sweetheart. You know you’re my favorite.

Li: I thought I was your favorite!

Peacewish: Actually, Tory’s my favorite.

Julian and Li: WHAT?

Peacewish: What can I say, tall, dark and handsome does it for me.

Tory: In that case, can I not be treated quite so badly in the next story?

Peacewish: Oh, sorry my love, but the true hero is always the one that suffers the most.

aye aye. I totally agree there. Reading about war and power and politics makes me wanna go pick up an Allan Massie book again. He writes great.

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