Thursday, March 01, 2007

I have several problems. And right now, I don't know what to do about them because these problems are inherent and to be rid of them would require my having a personality change. And I don't know how to do that.

Like the fact that I am 100% sloth. I took a blog quiz thing and of all the deadly sins, sloth ranked number one at 100%!!! Yes, it's a stupid quiz, but still. I quite agree. I am so lazy sometimes, I scare myself. Honestly, how have I ever survived this far?

Then there's the fact that I am much too extreme. My brain cannot understand the concept of moderation. Like when I like something, I really like it a lot. I go seriously nuts about it. When I fall in love with a song, I'll listen it to uncountable times. Then even when I have to go off and stop listening to it, the lyrics are ringing in my head. It's madness. Why do I do this to myself. I overkill everything. I love to obsess.

why why why.

I have a physics assignment due in less than 10 minutes and I still have a question undone. See the extent of my sloth-like qualities?

I think my obsessions are drugs. They're so freaking addictive. When I suddenly find myself with nothing to obsess over, I suffer the withdrawal symptoms - perpetual moroseness, despair etc.

Possibly I need a shrink.

NO. I don't want to be mad. Not really.

I think I need to be closer to God.


I was just thinking in the car on the way home today, how the future of this secular world was going to be like. People are increasingly uncertain of the existence of a God. To most people, religion is just an extra something for spiritual health. They don't honestly believe in angels or prophets or the idea of heaven. In the future, would anyone at all believe in the magical or supernatural or almighty? Would everything be utterly scientific; people believing only if given uncontested data and statistics? It's sad. It's just really sad.

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