Friday, October 28, 2005

Feel like screaming. I am envisioning myself walking to the edge of a cliff (like the one I went to in Albany, Australia) and screaming heart out and stamping feet like mad. It's so horrible that I have no outlet for frustration and anger. And sometimes putting it in words is not enough. And screaming into pillow is just not satisfying either.

So unfair!!! Why is everything so unfair! How come there are always lucky people who get to have everything: intelligence, money, good looks and charm to bring them virtually anywhere they want. (Reminded of Lymond. But at least he's fictional!)

Here words fail me because all I can do is make incomprehensible noises of frustration.

NUS has BEYOND ANNOYED ME. The courses in the science faculty is so boring. (Or maybe it seems so compared to all the other prospectuses I looked at.) But really. My passions will be killed. UGH. GAH. UGH!!!

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