Saturday, June 19, 2004

Just got back from one week trip to Malaysia. Throat hurts like hell from consuming sweet foodstuff every waking hour. I can hardly swallow without wincing. Anyway, now that I'm back, I have a lot of studying to do. Had a horrible dream in Malaysia. I dreamt I was in school and Munirah asked me if I'd finished studying for the geog paper. I hadn't. And naturally I freaked out. I sat for the paper anyway and answered the mcqs blindly. I recall certain words that had nothing to do with geography whatsoever. After that, I had to sit for a higher malay paper. And I hadn't studied for that either. I was cramming malay idioms with Aisyah (who had finished studying, unlike me). I was really at the end of my tethers. Fortunately I woke up before I had a panic seizure. My brother related to me that I made strange whimpering noises in the night and my face was screwed up in weird expressions. Hah. Also, it took me some time to realize that I don't take both higher malay or geography anymore. Thank god.

Brought "The Ringed Castle" (5th Lymond Book) on the trip. Was reading furiously at first, but then I got so fed up that I stopped. Lymond was being so terribly ANNOYING. I couldn't stand it. He was treating certain people appallingly. And he is so darn stubborn! It is clear that he doesn't care if he lives or dies. Doesn't he realise how many people are worried about him? ARGH. Of course, I also feel so sorry for him. Feel like crying everytime the child is mentioned. How can it all end well? Good stories hardly do. Look at the Dark Materials Trilogy, Titanic, Troy, Braveheart... DT too. Not that I can even see an end coming for DV.

Oh well. My fault that I love such stories. All that pain and angst. All the drama. The quotable phrases. All the blood and gore. And of course all the beautiful people. Haha.

"Do not smirk at me, Master Malfoy!" Dumbledore shouted suddenly.

Draco jumped, and scowled. Why did everyone always tell him he was smirking when he was merely smiling? Just because his lip had a habit of curling up slightly on the left. Privately Draco thought it was endearing. "Sorry, Headmaster."
~ Something Impossible by Cassandra Claire (Read at your own peril. It ends in slash. But is funny.)

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