Saturday, January 31, 2004

Ran 6 rounds yesterday. Almost died on the 6th round. Really. Felt like collapsing on the spot. And all the boys had to do was jog two rounds. TWO. Tell me where the logic comes in here.

Went for photog outing today. Was fun as a whole. People were nice. Games were a bit dead though. Tried to play polar bear and I had to explain. I tried to be the village head but we kept mixing up the hunters and polar bears. So funny. Took photos at Bugis. Liked my senior's SLR. It's so light!!! Obsession over digicam and video cam has restarted. Yippee.

Oh, went to Cassie's blog! She compared Lymond and DT!Draco. And the topic of heroes came up again. It's really quite funny. Don't you notice that most drool-worthy heroes are those that suffer? The kind of man that's hard outside but soft inside? So true!!! The essence of Lymond and Draco. And many others actually. Here's what Cassie has in her blog...

"Female readers are almost always attracted to male characters who get hurt a lot. They just are. And Draco does get smacked around a *lot* in these books. He gets ferret-bounced and hippogriff-slashed and pimp-slapped and seriously hexed. And that's just the sort of thing that female readers -- and particularly adolescent girls -- really go for. It's why they think Harry's so sexy too, I'd warrant. It's because they're twisted little featherboa wearers, each and every one of them."

However, I resent being described as a featherboa wearer. Never worn a feather boa in my life. And never thought of canon Harry as sexy. Yeuch. But... DT Harry? Yes. DT Draco? Need you even ask?

"And JKR must know this. She *must.* I mean, even Draco himself -- who's really rather stupid, honestly -- is hip to this dynamic. Just look at how he responds to Pansy in PoA, when she asks him if his arm hurts. Draco knows the score, all right. A macho "Nah, not really, don't worry about it" just isn't going to win you any eros points from an adolescent girl, unless there's one heck of a wince accompanying it. And Draco knows that. To get the adolescent girls crushing on you, you have to be hurt...yet still doing okay with it. But not *too* okay. Not really okay down deep inside. Just marginally okay. Okay for now. Okay, but tottering dangerously on the cusp on not really okay at all."

I was bouncing up and down my chair at the accuracy of this observation. I confess! That is what makes Draco and Lymond sooo endearing to me. Suffering with manly dignity. *melts into goo* How Draco just smashed his one and only antidote... *wheeee* How Lymond refuses to fight his brother who absolutely hates him and who wants him dead... *swoon* How Draco stood up against the wall to hold himself up when he felt weak, but pretended there was nothing wrong with him... Until Hermione had to say, "Draco, is that wall the only thing holding you up?"... And even then, he frowned at her for asking him that, and tried to stand up on his two feet... for two seconds, before finally collapsing. Aaah!

This is what is termed, according to Elkins, the author of an essay on this topic, the "Hurt-Comfort" Syndrome. I have all the symptoms. And I don't mind it one bit.

Changing the subject, guess what? I'm acting in malay drama for arts feste. Unbelievable. This is so not me. Just proves how desperate they are for actors, really. The play's a version of Cinderella. And I'm the prince's mother. I don't think my part is very big, thank god. I'm just worried about forgetting my lines and being intimidated by my tall "son", considering how many scenes I'll be doing with him. I'm too short to be the prince's mother. ARGH!

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