Sunday, November 10, 2002

Today is just one... irritating, annoying and frustrating day. It's a Sunday. And like all Sundays I have my religious class, which begins at 11 am and ends at 1pm. However, most Singaporean HP fans should know that Kids Central is showing the CoS 'Behind the Scenes' show at 11:30 am. Obviously, the times clashed.

I was tearing nyself apart, deciding whether to skip class or not. I mean... we finished our exams already and everything... so i thought it would be okay to miss class. But then my mother told me to go anyway, cos I'll be receiveing my madrasah exam results. And so I did go. Sacrificing the HP show. Darn.

When, I got to class, I was the first to enter. At first, this seemed to be not anything out of the ordinary, since I was early. But as time passed, only a total of 12 people came to class, out of a possible hundred. I'm serious. I already felt like banging my head against the wall for not just staying home to watch HP. I thought all that was bad enough.

Then, ustaz came in and announced to the class that he hasn't finished marking. He only managed to finish 7, yes only SEVEN papers. Now, that, made me want to ... hit my head on the wall even harder. The fact had become clear to me. I came to class for absolutely nothing. I felt as though God really didn't want me to watch that bloody show. I am very pissed off.

Luckily, out of the seven papers ustaz marked, mine was one of them. I got an A1 - 78 marks. It's the highest SO FAR. 78 is quite sad really, compared to the 98 marks I got last year. Sigh.

Right now, I'm just really pissed that I didn't get to watch that HP thing. I feel like complaining to the Kids Central Channel for puting such inconvenient times for the show. Can't they show it more often!! Apparently, they're not aware of the extend of the fanatism of Harry Potter in Singapore. Hmph. HMPH. Grrrr. I feel so fed up!

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