Friday, January 28, 2022

Having taken on more at work, and feeling a little like a many-limbed octopus trying to attend to multiple peoples and projects at once, this bit about Rasulullah s.a.w., from our spiritual reading club stunned me:

The Prophet's life was full of activity, but was never tense or confused. Numerous as the claims on his time were and vying for attention, he was always calm and relaxed. Little or non-existent tension was in his life. He was never at a loss. When you saw him attending to something, you would think that he had nothing to do before it and nothing to do after it. The way he was at home gave no hint that heavy burdens awaited him outside. If you saw him with his companions you had no indication that he was anxious about anything else awaiting his attention. He attended to them fully and was relaxed as he talked to them. His refined manners were felt by them all. It was like he had no business other than meeting his companions and attending to their needs. His was a situation of perfect equilibrium that approached all tasks with ease and comfort.

~ A Day In The Life of The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., by Abdul Wahab Bin Nasir

I shall aspire towards this level of calmness and serenity, always. Not to mention his cheerfulness with every person he meets in his life. 💜

Thursday, January 13, 2022

happy 2022!

This analogy keeps popping up in my head in recent times, that seems to fit my current internal state: those musicians who kept on playing as the Titanic sank. I feel a strange almost incongruous zen-ness, whilst my brain objectively assesses the apparent present dangers.

Wonderful, I suppose. One grows unknowingly in the undercurrent of life. Time for old panic patterns to fall away.

Insyallah, the year will grow more amazing and happily surprising as the days roll on. As it is, a metaphorical work-related bomb has detonated, and I find myself being girl boss. (Well, we're all mostly girls/ladies anyway, heheh.) Receiving love and support from varied quarters reassures me that... this is the right move, this is the right time. I am probably the right person.

Insyallah, Amin.