Saturday, January 23, 2021

the openness of the heart

Thought I'd just post this here, as a personal reminder to stay steadfast on this path of learning to know myself and thence the world, and thence God.


Somewhat in relation to this, on a happy Sunday afternoon when I was having one of my book clubs with my cousins, we ended up not really discussing the book (because it did not fly with most of us, haha) and celebrated the new year, sitting at Hvala for yummy matcha and cakes, and then lounging in a nice spot outdoors. (Also, an official yay to gatherings of 8 people!) One of us had brought out a cool game that had sorta-truth-or-dare questions, and we went around digging deeper into each others' lives and personalities (not that we haven't known each other for literal years, but you know).

At one point, that was really strange in retrospect for me, was A looking at me, all-perceptive, head cocked to one side, and making this announcement about how I was different now, and his words: "you're like ready to love now". Which of course got an outburst of laughter from everyone, me included. But internally, I was like whaaaaat. There was further probing of me, at which point I learnt that I had given off very closed-off vibes, and I had to explain that I had since sorted out a lot of my anger. I really have, which explains my fairly recent posts circa end-2020 about having shifted something core inside me. (How this came to be is probably an accumulation of many, many little things that included self-love, love, prayer, and forgiveness, and reading, and learning, and reparenting.) It just stunned me that A had read something of that in my body language; really, the question card was only innocently asking, "What does my body language say right now?" Haha, and we went down a rabbit hole with our discussions.

My cousin asked again, "Do you think you're at your peak now, like you're the best you've ever been?" I honestly was just taken aback by his questions (but seriously, A does have some skill, controversial or not). I hesitated to say yes, although my inner self had already agreed. I said I hope so! only because my logical mind was tempering instinct and tried to rationalise that I can't possibly say this about every aspect of my life or know this with absolute certainty (my weight hasn't been the best for instance, but I'm working on it!) But I have sorted out a lot of crap and understood a lot of things about my self that have helped me face the world (hence the resonance with the video clip about self-knowledge), without anger at every lack of ideal, without an outlash at every real or perceived injustice.

A had hit it spot on again when he said, you have let go of the judgments that people make. I have, in most cases; they are exhausting, and draining, and rage-inducing. People seem to think that people have to badmouth you for judgments to be made; nu-uh. They are simply made and seep into the actions they take towards you and the world. They're still all there, the social issues of the world, the prejudices that surround our lives; but... I hope to address it with more of the love, and less of the anger. 

Indeed, I am ready to love. Insyallah!

Monday, January 11, 2021

...authenticity is very much a person who lives in alignment with their meaning, with their purpose, with a sense of self-awareness, with an accurate appraisal of their strengths and their weaknesses, and yet don't allow the strength to escalate them into grandiosity, and don't let the perceived weaknesses allow them to fall into a pit of despair. They tend to be relatively well emotionally-regulated, in fact very well emotionally-regulated, however are able to engage in appropriate and vulnerable shows of emotion. Basically they're very self-possessed people. Oftentimes they present as quite serene... Authentic people are interesting because stuff doesn't tend to get under their skin as much, because they're good. They're not necessarily rich or at the top of their game. They're just authentic.

~ DoctorRamani

striving for this! 💜 insyallah

Saturday, January 09, 2021

 okay okay random midnight fangirl post --

(excuse this as an accumulation of stress with work that has spilled over from 2020 but still hasn't ended)

I was binge-watching random youtube videos and then happened to rewatch BTS's Dope, which FYI was my first BTS video ever, and I'd apparently forgotten how energizing this music and video was. It really is an old classic for them (and I can't believe I've been an ARMY for 6 years now!) I remember seeing this for the first time and how my jaw dropped at the performance; just. I hadn't known it then, but it was the start of the descent into the rabbit hole.

but anyway, the point being. This song is awesome when you need to work and slog! Because it says we hustleeee, we work hard and we're dope, and we don't care what you think. I reject rejection!

and oh man, this is so fun, your energy just goes up.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

I've been meaning to post properly for so long, but I keep being side-tracked by other things, including a mountain load of reports that are waaaay overdue and lectures to watch -- and my end-year post was too short to be satisfying and I need to produce something a little better for this space! Absolutely absolutely feel the need to write, which I haven't felt in a long while.

But in the meantime, while I sort out the logistics of life, let me just post this here, that I heard:

Don't let your illusions and fear keep you from your inner knowing.


Also, happy things I wanted to fangirl about but didn't get around to doing yet:

I had a rewatch of this recently, and realise how few Hollywood romcoms there are nowadays, and Hugh Grant was so great at it in his time. Love the song!

And also, this: which made Dis-ease my newest favourite track on BTS's BE Album.

It reminds me of the kinds of songs that got me into BTS in the first place; 
it isn't so much the glamour and flair and aesthetics of BTS that capture me per se. 
It's the beauty in the storytelling and the perspectives offered 
(wrapped up in all the pretty help too, of course). 
This reminds me of Baepsae and Whalien 52 
(about a crow-tit and a whale respectively; so cute right!) 
and talk about the problems of society and questioning life. 💜